Saturday, August 15, 2015

NC FLL Kick-Off

North Carolina Agricultural And Technical State University

So far, we have four families going and possibly some others.

Complete details about the kick-off can be found here.

Bring a lunch or order and buy a boxed lunch using this form.  There really isn't any fast food nearby, so going out isn't a good option.

I see conflicting arrival start times of 9AM, 9:30AM, and 10AM.  I will try to pin this down.  You should plan on a 90 minute drive time according to Google Maps.

The General Education Buidling address is:
1601 E. Market Street, Greensboro, NC 27411
Google Maps does a good job getting you there.

It is not a very large building. Make your way to the check-in spot and/or the auditorium to catch up with the team.

We are probably going to do the 2nd year team track in room 103/105.  If that is full, then we'll do the first year track in room 111/133/134.  I think we'll have enough information under our belts before the kick-off that a 2nd year track will make sense.  I don't want the track to be too repetitive and the kids and parents to be bored.

The kids will get a kick out of being on a college campus and getting a feel for that type of classroom environment.

I will bring 2 robots and 2 computers and some spare parts so we can participate fully in the one and done at the end of the day.

Here's a picture video of Johnny from the kick-off last year.  He just solved his first mission in the one and done class.

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